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Visitor guidelines

Rules for visitors to the Orlík Castle in 2023

I. Opening hours

The castle will be open to the public from April 1st to October 31st 2023

Season: January, February, March
Days: closed
Hours: closed

Season: April
Days: weekends
Hours: 09:00 – 16:00

Season: May
Days: weekends
Hours: 09:00 – 16:00

Season: June
Days: weekends
Hours: 09:00 – 17:00

Season: July, August
Days: except Mondays
Hours: 09:00 – 17:00

Season: September
Days: weekends
Hours: 09:00 – 16:00

Season: October
Days: weekends
Hours: 09:00 – 16:00

Season: November, December
Days: closed
Hours: closed

Tours outside regular opening hours are possible only in exceptional circumstance by agreement with the administrators, in such cases, a surcharge of 100% on the basic admission price will be applied.

The duration of the tour is 45 – 55 minutes.

Start times for individual tours will be said at the ticket office.


II. Admission

Adults – 450 Kč
Children, Students, Over 65 – 350 Kč
Family 2+3 – 900 Kč
Extra admission for foreign language service – adults – 550 Kč
Extra admission for foreign language service – Children, Students, Over 65 – 450 Kč

  1. Entry is free for children under 6 and ZTP/P
  2. Children 6-15 years, students 16 – 26 years with valid ISIC, over 65 years
  3. Family = 2 adults and 3 children up to 18 years
  4. No group discounts are offered



III. Tours of the monument

  1. In return for the admission charge, visitors receive tickets that must be shown before tours commence. Visitors are required to keep this ticket throughout their tour and to produce it for inspection on request
  2. Translation of guides is permitted only where chateau staff are unable to arrange a tour in the appropriate foreign langauge.
  3. Start times for individual tours will be said at the ticket office
  4. Tours are accompanied by a guide, and are for groups of at least 5 visitors, the maximum number of visitors in a group is 40. Where less than 5 visitors are present, tours may begin up to 60 minutes after the scheduled time. Exceptions can be arranged with the administrators.
  5. Reservations can be made for tours during regular opening hours, for a specific date and time. Visitors not presenting themselves at the ticket office at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled tour will lose their reservations.
  6. Children under 10 are admitted only with an accompaying adult.
  7. Tours také place along fixed routes and are accompanied by a guide. Visitors are required to follow instructions given them by guides.
  8. Visitors may not enter with umbrellas, large bags, or bother unsuitable items.


IV. Protection of the monument and the collections

  1. Visitors should obey instructions given them by staff. Where visitors do not follow instructions given in the interests of visitor safety, or the protection of the monument or collections, then they will be barred from the site without refund. Beyond this, visitors representing a threat will be dealt with under Czech law.
  2. Entry will be denied to persons believed to be under the influence of alcohol, and to those whose clothing or shoes are not sufficiently dean or are otherwise inappropiate.
  3. It is forbidden to damage or endanger the monument, the collections, the park, the gardens and other property in the chateau grounds, and in particular it is forbidden:

a, to touch the walls and the items on display

b, to write or paint on the walls, or otherwise damage the fabric of the building

c, to leave the tour route, tour guide or tour group

d, to prevent the guide from being heard or otherwise annoy other visitors

e, to eat or drink inside the building

f, to enter the building with dogs or other animals

g, to smoke or manipulate a naked flame anywhere in the building and the grounds

h, to pick flowers, damage trees or shrubbery, leave the designated paths or walk on the grass, tease or frighten the animals or birds, camp in the park or gardens etc.

i, to use motor vehicles or bicycles anywhere on the grounds

  1. Photography and filming are forbidden inside the chateau

In Orlík, 1.4.2023